Monday, January 17, 2011

Post 1 Week 1

What is religion?
Just as there are many different religions in the world there are many different interpretations as to what classifies a group as a religion.  Five classical definitions of religion are:
“1 - Eliade: Religion is an experience of the ‘sacred.’
2 - Otto: Religion is an experience of the ‘Wholly Other.’
3 - Tillich: Religion is one’s ‘ultimate concern.’
4 - Smith: Religion is a ‘cumulative tradition’ - not an ‘ism.’
5 - Smart: Religion is ‘a seven dimensional organism.’

Searching online dictionaries I found that most definitions contain some, if not all, of Ninian Smart’s seven dimensions of religion. The seven dimensions are:
1 - Myths (sacred stories)
2 - Rituals (activities, typically repeated)
3 - Experiences (experiences of the sacred)
4 - Doctrines (the philosophy/belief)
5 - Ethics (moral codes)
6 - Social Aspect (the organization)
7 - Material Forms (sacred objects). 

Each dimension plays an important role to any religion.  Some religions have more emphasis in certain dimensions than others. That, however, does not qualify or disqualify the classification of a religion.

How should we study it?
Again, as with religions, there are many ideas as to how religion should be studied.  One could study any religion through theological, sociological, psychological, phenomenological, anthropological and many other “-ical” methods. Smart argues three methods (antipathy, sympathy and empathy) while Berger argues three similar, but altogether different methods (reduction, deduction and induction). It is not an easy task to maintain objectivity while studying any religion. The reading offers “A Complete Methodology” as the best method to study religion on page 46.
1 - Phenomenology - (Objectively describing religious phenomena; induction)
2 - Sociology of Religion - (Understanding the social origins of religion; reductionism)
3 - Transpersonal Psychology - (Assessing the developmental stage of religion)

Why study it?
Throughout the reading there is an underlying theme of seeking understanding. The reading also presents many different methods to study it.  One could study religion to find truth or one could study religion to find that sense of belonging that comes with being part of a “communita.” Religions offer a unique way to study history and society at the same time.  Since history and society are intertwined in religion, the understanding of many religions can also assist in breaking barriers to communication that exist due to ignorance about another’s religion. 

How did religion start?

Ninian Smart explains this through his seven dimensions of religion. Over time religions have evolved into what they currently are today due to the needs of society.  Francis Crick believes that it is due to our biology. 

Will gods decay?
For whatever reason, society will always turn to something more to find answers.  Communitas evolve over time to address issues that may arise in society.  These communitas, be they cults or sects, will always provide a guidance for its followers. 

What role do memes play in religion?

They, arguably, are the backbone to any religions sustainability.  Memes are simply replicas of something that can be passed down to believers.  Without memes the passing on of religion could not happen.  Memes are what allows others to “fit into” with one’s religious society.

Personal Reflection
How did religion start?

The reading has opened up a new world of understanding in my eyes.  Did religion start because of one’s desire to feel apart of a communita?  Or did religion start because of a “mythical” event?  However they started, if a religion promotes good principles and morals, it shouldn’t matter.  I will support that individual in their faith.