Gnosticism is many things. That is because there is no set “religion” or “leader” defining its principles. There are many schools of thought; four of those being Marcion, Basilides, Valentinus and Mani. The Gnostic movement pulls from Zoroastrianism, Judaism, neo-Platonism, Christianity, possibly Hinduism and other mystical philosophies. Of these philosophies, Christianity and Gnosticism seem to be associated together more often. Those who were Christian and Gnostic claimed to have the “truth” in the teachings of Jesus. Many did not like this and felt as though this union of Christianity and Gnosticism was a destructive force to the faith. In fact, as the movement progressed, any thought of Gnosticism was condemned and thought of as heresy. It is because of the charge of heresy that writings of Gnosticism are not to be found at this time. They have been destroyed.
Gnosticism was not and is not limited to Christianity. Gnostics can also be found in Judaism. However, it is thought by Birger Peasron, and expert in Gnostic studies, that Jewish Gnosticism is not recognizable as part of Judaism as Christianity is with Gnosticism. He also believes and teaches that the Gnostic movement was a way for those who were Christian and Gnostic to become part of Christian circles/communities. This was accomplished by sharing “secrets” of the “true” teachings of Jesus. These “secrets” are the reason to skeptic’s belief that Jesus Christ came into play as a savior figure.
Many Gnostics have reversed the roles of “good” and “evil” in Christian teachings claiming to have a “deeper meaning” to the teachings. For example, the story of the creation found in the Bible; god, being the creator, is thought of to be of evil origin, therefore creation is evil. This is one example of Christian teachings that have been “undermined” by Gnostic beliefs.
Eastern ideas are similar in many ways to Western ideas on Gnosticism. The Sant tradition is a philosophy that has a focus on reaching God through spiritual realms. They believe that this superior God of Gods invites all to know Him. In the West, the term “saint” typically means a person who is service oriented and shares the faith with others. In the East, the term Sant means this but much more. It has the meaning that the Sant has lost all identity and joined jiva in the Highest Reality, and is then considered as the embodiment of the Divine.
As with Gnosticism, there are many schools of thought or sects. With the Sants, it is believed that the words of a Sant after they pass are subject to misinterpretation. The followers hold on to their teachings but rely more on the living Sants. At the time of death of a Sant, there are many who tend to come forward stating their enlightenment and seeking to be the next Sant. With all these individuals claiming their enlightenment the followers tend to break out into different groups. Is it any wonder that there are many sects?
The Gnostic belief or representation of a god is comparable to nirguna Brahman of the northern Sants. He is described as “ineffable,” “immeasurable,” and “unnamable.” Another similarity is in the teaching of a Transcendent God and a lower demiurge. Brahm or kal represent a lower deity. Gnosticism shares a belief of a lower deity.
Personal Reflection –
All this talk of an unnamable god and knowing the “truth” about Jesus makes me skeptical of Gnosticism. In a way I understand Gnosticism to mean that there is no belief in a god but something that is incomprehensible is just confusing. Maybe this is because I was raised to believe a certain way, maybe not. I believe that one needs to be skeptical and question everything. At the same time, one must judge some things for their face value. Sometimes we dig too deep to find the meaning to something that is right in front of our faces. I believe that there is so much in front of our eyes that we do not need to dig deep to find. I believe that happiness is found by being less skeptical and more real. It helps to keep you happy and it allows other people to enjoy your company too.